Browsing: Past Events

Below are the event announcements for all previous monthly memebership meetings and special events hosted by the Lone Star Association of Health Underwriters. You can view recaps and recordings of some of these meetings by visiting the Meeting Recaps page.

On September 27, Mike Smith will be presenting a one-hour CE entitled “Medicare 2022 Legislative Updates.” As we head into the AEP, it’s important to get up to speed on all the latest developments so you’ll know what’s changing and can answer the inevitable questions from your clients.

On October 11, Lisa Rehburg will be presenting a one-hour CE entitled “Life Insurance Settlements: Benefitting Your Client and You.” Many times when speaking with advisors, they feel as if the only way clients can sell their life insurance policy is if they are extremely ill. As one advisor put it, my client would need to have one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel, right? Nothing could be further from the truth.

On April 12, Carla Adams will be presenting a one-hour ethics CE entitled “Ethics in a Virtual World.” This Ethics CE looks at some of the unique ethical challenges involved with a virtual office environment and how to implement best practices to protect your business and your clients.

On February 8, Gentry Lynn with Healthcare Bluebook will present a one-hour CE entitled “Price Transparency Regulation: Clear as Mud.” Healthcare price transparency provides several opportunities, and we’ll discuss what this means for brokers, carriers, TPAs, and employers.